

Hydrodynamics Modelling & Environmental Remediation Research Group


Kamini Singha教授到访河海大学并作“2017 Darcy Lecture”系列讲座
来源: | 作者:Student | 发布时间: 2017-03-28 | 2160 次浏览 | 分享到:
      3月28日下午,应鲁春辉教授的邀请,科罗拉多矿业学院水文科学和工程课程副主任、地质与地质工程系教授Kamini Singha访问河海大学水电学院,并在水电馆420报告厅作2017“Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecturer系列讲座之 The Critical Role of Water in Critical Zone Science: An Exploration of Water Fluxes in the Earth’s Permeable Skin”的报告。报告由叶逾副教授主持,课题组学生参加了报告并在会后展开讨论


      Earth’s “critical zone” — the zone of the planet from treetops to base of groundwater — is critical because it is a sensitive region, open to impacts from human activities, while providing water necessary for human consumption and food production. Quantifying water movement in the subsurface is critical to predicting how water-driven critical zone processes respond to changes in climate and human perturbation of the natural system. While shallow soils and aboveground parts of the critical zone can be easy to instrument and explore, the deeper parts of the critical zone — through the soils and into rock — are harder to access, leaving many open questions about the role of water in this environment.

      This presentation opens the black box in the subsurface and sheds light on a few key subsurface processes that control water movement and availability: linkages between changes in evapotranspiration and subsurface water stores, water movement in three dimensions over large areas, and potential control of slope aspect on subsurface permeability. Geophysical tools are central to the quantitative study of these problems in the deeper subsurface where we don’t have easy access for observation. In particular, this lecture explores the role of trees in the critical zone, and their connection to soil moisture, groundwater and streams through innovative imaging.

Darcy Lecture Series 简介:

      To foster interest and excellence in groundwater science and technology, the Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Groundwater Science was established in 1986. The series — which has reached more than 85,000 groundwater students, faculty members, and professionals — honors Henry Darcy of France for his 1856 investigations that established the physical basis upon which groundwater hydrogeology has been studied ever since.

      Annually, a panel of scientists and engineers invites an outstanding groundwater professional to share his or her work with their peers and students.
The Darcy Lecture Series is most often presented at universities and professional associations throughout the world.

      Prof. Kamini Singha was selected as 2017 Darcy Lecturer.


      Dr. Singha is a professor in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering and is the associate director of the Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines. She worked at the U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Geophysics from 1997-2000 and was a member of the faculty at Penn State University, 2005-2012.She earned her B.S. in geophysics from the University of Connecticut in 1999 and her Ph.D. in hydrogeology from Stanford University in 2005.