

Hydrodynamics Modelling & Environmental Remediation Research Group


美国地质调查局高级科学家Cliff Voss博士来访
来源: | 作者:Student | 发布时间: 2016-04-11 | 2226 次浏览 | 分享到:
       4月11日下午,应鲁春辉教授的邀请,美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey, USGS)高级科学家、2015美国地质学会(Geological Society of America, GSA)Birdsall Dreiss杰出讲席奖获得者Clifford Voss博士访问河海大学水电学院,并在水电馆401报告厅作题为“Informing Management of the World's Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis”的报告。报告由鲁春辉教授主持,学院师生几十人参加报告。

      Clifford Voss博士在报告中提到:

Clifford Voss在水电馆420会议室为鲁春辉教授课题组的成员们开了一个小型的学术讨论会,Voss博士的报告从变密度流的机理讲起,深入浅出,让在座师生受益颇多。


       Voss博士是世界知名的地下水专家,Hydrogeology Journal主编。他在地下水系统的项目管理、施工、场地和研究方面具有三十多年的丰富经验。

       Clifford I. Voss has been selected as the 2015 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer by the Geological Society of America (GSA) Hydrogeology Division. Cliff is a senior scientist with the National Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), currently working in Menlo Park, California. Cliff, an internationally recognized expert in groundwater modeling, has over 35 years of project management, implementation, field work and research experience in groundwater systems, including: computer model development and effective model use for scientific evaluation of hydrogeologic systems; groundwater resources development, management and protection; coastal and island groundwater resources subject to seawater intrusion; and use of the subsurface for energy production/storage and toxic waste isolation. Cliff advises extensively on groundwater system evaluation and management and he lectures worldwide on these and related subjects. His scientific interests in hydrogeology include addressing hydrogeologic heterogeneity, physics of solute and energy transport, behavior of fluids with varying density, phase change in geothermal and frozen systems, inverse modeling and network design, and evaluating extensive aquifer systems in light of sparse data.