发布时间: 2018-05-07
5437 次浏览
5月2日,河海大学水文水资源学院黄璟胜教授(Ching-Sheng Huang)应鲁春辉教授的邀请,在水电馆420为课题组师生作了学术报告,分享了迄今为止黄教授本人的研究成果,与本课题组师生进行了学术上的交流并展开了激烈的讨论。
5月2日,河海大学水文水资源学院黄璟胜教授(Ching-Sheng Huang)应鲁春辉教授的邀请,在水电馆420为课题组师生作了学术报告,分享了迄今为止黄教授本人的研究成果,与本课题组师生进行了学术上的交流并展开了激烈的讨论。
黄教授长期研究地下水运动和污染传输模式,在解析方法、数值方法、无网格法(meshless method)和解析元素法(analytic element method)方面具有创新性科学研究能力,处于世界领先地位。2010年至今共发表SCI期刊论文18篇,一区论文12篇,第一作者论文11篇,一区论文8篇,包含5篇《Water Resources Research》、5篇《Hydrology and Earth System Sciences》、3篇《Journal of Hydrology》、2篇《Advances in Water Resources》、1篇《Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE》、1篇《Ecological Indicators》和1篇《International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE》,曾多次参加WRR、JH、ADWR和JHE-ASCE期刊论文审稿。(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ching_Sheng_Huang/reputation)
1. 发展局限含水层地下流的有限节点闭合解析方法(finite nodal point closed-form solution)
2.地下水流方程式的闭合解(closed-form solution)
1. Huang, C. S., and H. D. Yeh* (2016), An analytical approach for the simulation of flow in a heterogeneous confined aquifer with a parameter zonation structure, Water Resources Research, 52, 9201– 9212.
2. Huang, C. S., and H. D. Yeh* (2015), Estimating stream filtration from a meandering stream under the Robin condition, Water Resources Research, 51, 4848-4857.
3. Huang, C. S., S. Y. Yang, and H. D. Yeh* (2014), Groundwater flow to a pumping well in a sloping fault zone unconfined aquifer, Water Resources Research, 50, 4079-4094.
4. Huang, C. S., H. D. Yeh*, and C. H. Chang (2012), A general analytical solution for groundwater fluctuations due to dual tide in long but narrow islands, Water Resources Research, 48(5), W05508.
5. Huang, C. S., T. Yang, and H. D. Yeh* (2018), Review of analytical models to stream depletion induced by pumping: Guide to model selection, Journal of Hydrology, 561, 277-285.